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Using Graphics to Build Your Business.
May 1998

Project Preparation
Communicate with your Graphic Designer

indent.gif - 0.82 KThe standard example of a correctly prepared manuscript is type written and double spaced. It is important that your copy be legible to reduce the chance for error. Typesetting is charged by the hour, so if your copy is difficult to read, it will take longer to typeset, thus inflating cost. It is also important to be complete and accurate. Present all of your copy at the same time. Don't let dates or prices come later. If you make changes to your copy, not due to typesetter error, expect to pay for them. Do all of your editing before you take the manuscript to the designer.

indent.gif - 0.82 KYou may wish to use a word processing program to prepare the manuscript. Provide a hard copy of the manuscript for the purpose of indicating specific instructions. When keyboarding the text:

  • Let the text wrap using soft returns
  • Do not indent or add extra returns to paragraphs
  • Use tabs rather than the spacebar to position text
  • Use a single tab even if the text doesn’t appear to line up on your screen
  • Use only one space after a period

indent.gif - 0.82 KYour designer will take the information you provide and arrange it in a pleasing manner. Be prepared to explain your target audience, purpose and general feeling of the project. Paper, ink, color, typestyle, layout and format are all considered by your designer to meet these objectives. Specify which parts are more important than others or any parts that may be omitted if space is limited.

indent.gif - 0.82 K Proofread carefully and completely. This is your opportunity to check the copy against the original manuscript. You are responsible for changes made to the copy not caused by typesetter error, including errors made because the manuscript was in poor condition. Don't let a pressing deadline intimidate you into inadequate proofing. It takes longer to do a job twice than to do it right the first time. Use standard proofreader's marks so that you and your designer know exactly what changes you want.

indent.gif - 0.82 K Be reasonable and honest when asking for a deadline. Work backwards from the delivery date to come up with the deadline of when your job has to be taken to the printer. If you ask for a prompt deadline, be prompt in proofing and picking up your order. If your rush job is left on the shelf for a week after completion, it may not be as easy to get your next rush job rushed through. If a project is hurried through too quickly, there is more opportunity for costly mistakes to be made. Remember even minor errors that must be corrected once the job reaches the press are expensive. Begin your project with enough time for your designer and printer to complete it without being rushed.

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Florentyna’s Pasta Bar

indent.gif - 0.82 K Florentyna’s Pasta Bar, formerly located on N. Union in Kennewick, has expanded their menu and opened a new location at the Tri-Cities Airport. The Kennewick location closed Friday, April 24.
indent.gif - 0.82 KAt Florentyna’s you’ll enjoy delicious Italian cuisine and friendly service. You can try our Pasta Salads at Barns & Noble Book Store and Double Shots Espresso.
indent.gif - 0.82 KAt the new Airport location they are open for breakfast featuring an excellent entree selection. For lunch try one of their new sandwiches or specialty pizzas. And they are happy to validate your airport parking voucher when you dine at the Pasco location.
indent.gif - 0.82 KNeed a gift idea? Florentyna’s gift certificates are a great choice for that special someone’s special occasion.
indent.gif - 0.82 KNeed a caterer for an office meeting? Call for one of their executive feasts, or get creative and build your own from the expansive menu. For more details about our Business Catering Services call 545-0632.

News from Paradise
Change enables us to extend our abilities

indent.gif - 0.82 K Scott Jensen of Interactive Dimensions has moved in with us at 4304 W Clearwater. (Internet Strategies has relocated) Scott is skilled in creative multi media design including 3D animation, web site design, multi media presentations, CD authoring and digital photo enhancement. Scott is a real asset to our office. Visit his web site: www.interactivedimensions.com.
indent.gif - 0.82 KAdvanced Internet Concepts, is now a sole proprietorship, as I bought out my former partner. I am also happy to announce that along with Scott Jensen of Interactive Dimensions, Cindy Corier of Crossroads Marketing are representing clients hosted at www.futuresites.com.
indent.gif - 0.82 KI will be teaching Internet 213 summer quarter in the Workforce Training Center at CBC. Learn productive ways to use the internet for communication, research and business. 5 credits

What’s Spam Got to do With it?
Internet E-mail is threatened

indent.gif - 0.82 K I know we are all sick of hearing about spam and even sicker of dealing with it. The increase of this distasteful infiltration of junk mail has compelled me to address the issue of spam.
indent.gif - 0.82 KLike many of you I receive anywhere from 10 to 20 unsolicited e-mail messages each day. It’s annoying and time-consuming to identify and delete them—and it costs us money.
indent.gif - 0.82 KE-mail Spam is saturating the internet with multiple copies of the same message, forcing the message into the e-mail box of recipients who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Since it costs very little to send, spammers don’t bother targeting their messages to a specific audience.
indent.gif - 0.82 KThe term spam originated in a usergroup where someone who was treated rudely responded by sending multiple postings of the famous line from an old satirical song about luncheon meat.
indent.gif - 0.82 KMost spam is commercial advertising for get-rich-quick schemes, miracle cures, spam software, legal advice, chain letters, multi-level marketing plans, sub standard computer parts, pornography and phone sex. It is worthless, deceptive and often fraudulent.
indent.gif - 0.82 KSpammers know that people don’t want to receive their messages, and usually falsify return addresses so they don’t have to bear the costs of receiving responses from spammees. Many spammers use temporary ISP accounts so if you try to reply to have your address removed from their list they have already moved on to the next account. This leaves a huge mess behind for ISP administrators to clean up. (and you can guess who ultimately pays for that.) Spammers also are notorious for sending their mail via intermediate systems, avoiding blocks that been placed to stop a specific spammer, not to mention the time it takes to handle all the complaints that come from the recipients of the spam.
indent.gif - 0.82 KAOL reported receiving 1.8 million spams per day from one spammer. Imagine if only 1/10 of one percent of internet users decided to send out 100,000 spams/day (which would be an easy number to attain), we would be getting 1,000 spams per day! If it took you 10 seconds per spam to send a remove reply (which they almost never do), that’s 2 hours and 46 minutes of your time spent responding to junk mail you didn’t want in the first place.
indent.gif - 0.82 KAs if this weren’t enough, spammers have been setting up fake anti-spam sites or forging e-mail from anti-spam organizations, usually requesting money to help them stop spam. ANY anti-spam e-mail or web site ASKING YOU TO SEND MONEY is FAKE!
indent.gif - 0.82 KWhat this means in the long run is that if spam left alone to grow, our e-mail boxes could become useless for real mail.
indent.gif - 0.82 K Like you, I was wondering what I could do to stop this cancer of the internet.

  1. DON’T ever threaten the sender or use spam to fight spam
  2. Use mail filters to delete spam
  3. Ask your ISP about anti-spam filters for POP accounts
  4. Never buy anything from or send money to a spammer
  5. Don’t reply to spam
  6. Report net abusers to the proper authorities
  7. Learn about and support anti-spam legislation and practices
NEW LAW: On March 25, Governor Gary Locke signed HB 2752 making it illegal to send spam from a computer in this State or to the e-mail box of a Washington resident (effective June, 11 98.) You can read the full text on-line at http://leginfo.leg.wa.gov.
indent.gif - 0.82 KThere are many good web sites that give you tips on how to deal with spammers and where to report them.
Advertise responsibly
Rule #1: Treat people with the respect that you yourself would like to be treated with.

Rule #2: Protect yourself. Use a digital signature to sign, verify and encrypt your e-mail.

Rule #3: Never use spam. It is net-abuse and will cause you to lose your account on over 95% of the ISP’s. Remember, it doesn’t matter how good your product is or how brilliant your message, most internet users will not do business with net-abusers.

Rule #4: Read and follow netiquette. This is most important in posting to usergroups, but don’t overlook it in your everyday correspondence. (see rule #1) On the help menu of Netscape Communicator 4 is a link to net etiquette.

Rule #5: Presence is important, but substance is everything. Content, content, content. Be creative with your web site. Give your potential customers a reason to come back to your web site and tell others about it.

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Autobahn Auto Care Center
B & B Express Printing
Cruise Holidays of Tri-Cities
Advanced Internet Concepts
Hole in the Wall
Internet Strategies
Leadership Tri-Cities
Papidesign, Inc.
Credit Card Solutions
SonShine Autobody & Towing, Inc.
3d Concepts, Inc.
Tri-City Sales, Inc.
Veach Company

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© Copyright 1995 Paradise Graphics
The GRAPHIC IMAGE is Produced by Paradise Graphics and edited by Debra L. Mixon