Address or URL - uniquely identifies the location of your mailbox or Web page.

Author alterations are changes made in the proof by the author after it has been set in type.

Autoresponders are used to automatically send a text-only document to the E-mail address of a customer who requests the information contained in the document.

Bleed is the part of an image which extends beyond the trimmed edge of a page.

Byline is a line of type identifying the story’s author.

Caption is the description a of graphic element.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a type of software written for executable programs to interface with HTML.

Color Separation is arranging the colors indicated by a mechanical on separate layers for printing (Line copy or a photograph).

Commercial printing takes longer, costs more but is of a higher quality. It works by burning light through a film negative onto the plate.

Comprehensive (Comp) is a graphic representation made for the purpose of showing the client what the finished product will look like.

Continuous tone is tone variation from black to white including shades of gray (Photograph).

Contrast is the tonal gradation between highlights, middle tones, and shadows.

Corporate Identity is a logo designed for the purpose of identifying a business.

Creative concept is the idea underlying a graphic design project.

Embossing is raising an image above the surrounding surface of the paper by the impression of matched dies.

Domain is a group of computers whose hostnames share a common suffix (.com - commercial).

E-mail (Electronic Mail) - test messages transferred from one computer user to another.

End Signs are symbols that indicate the end of a newsletter article.

Font is the variation within a type style (Bold, Italic).

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - language used to transfer files from one computer to another.

Gateway Access is a means of accessing the Internet through an ISP’s computer system.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) - a standard format for digitized images used on the Internet. Works best for line drawings or non-photographics images (denoted with a GIF fille extension).

Gripper is the non-printing, leading edge of paper as it passes through a printing press.

Halftone is a photograph converted to fine dots of varying size and uniform density for reproduction.

Headers & Footers are titles or page numbers printed at the top or bottom of inside pages.

Hit Counters are used to count the number of times your Web page is “viewed” by a customer. The number is an accumulation of hits to date.

Host Access is a means of accessing the Internet directly through your computer.

Hostname a unique name by which a computer is known on a network.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - programming language used to create Web pages.

Image Map is a graphic that has certain areas defined as hyperlinks that “do something” when a customer clicks on that area.

Indesia is a term used to describe a bulk rate permit.

ISP (Internet Service Provider) - a business providing access to the Internet.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - a standard format for full color or grayscale digitized images used on the Internet. Works best for photographics images (denoted with a JPG fille extension).

Jumplines help readers locate articles continued on different pages.

Jump Page is a hypertext target or a page that a hypertext link jumps to.

Kill is the cancellation of work that has already begun.

Line copy is a black and white image with solid black or white areas. (Type, pen and ink drawings)

Logo is an image representing a product or company.

Masthead is the area containing the publication’s pertinent information. (Address, phone, staff or rates)

Mechanical is the camera ready artwork containing instructions, and with all images pasted into exact position.

Modem is a hardware device used to convert serial data (computer) to an audio signal (telephone).

Nameplate is the area on the front page of a newsletter displaying it’s name.

Paper weight is the weight in pounds of a ream (500 sheets) of paper in a standard parent size for that grade.

PMS (Pantone Matching System) is a standard numeric formula for ink colors.

Proof is a sheet of printed material that is checked against the original manuscript.

Pull Quote is a quote, pulled from the article, and used as a graphic element..

On-line Forms are forms on your Web page that a customer fills out and submits to your E-mail address. Usually comments or surveys.

Quick printing is fast and less expensive, using the copy dot method to make plates. It works by making a copy of the image onto the plate.

Subheads summarize the importance or focus of the article that follows.

Symbol is a logo designed for the purpose of identifying a product, procedure or service.

Thermography is a process producing a raised image using a plastic-based powder that is heated to fuse it to the paper.

Type Style is a complete set of lettering styles in different weights with the same design characteristics.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or address - uniquely identifies the location of a node on the internet.

Virtual Server is a system of special computer hardware & software, a lease line, an Internet bandwidth and a technical staff used to host Web services.

VSA (Virtual Server Administrator) - the person who manages the Web Site (Space on a Virtual Server).

VSP (Virtual Server Provider) - a business providing the hardware (Virtual Server) to host Web pages.

Web Page is an electronic brochure written in Hypertext Markup Language for use on the Internet.

WWW (World Wide Web) - is software used to read or browse a document in HTML format.

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